Sunday, January 9, 2011


Welcome all to the year of the FANG. Believe it or not but this year is actually the year of the FANG according to the ancient readings of Muntasaur. We have followed Muntasaur(or munta as he is known)for many years now, and we truly believe his words. So if your down with munta's predictions get on down and tell your friends on facebook, twitter, myspace, your neighbour, your local radio station or whoever you feel would benefit from hearing our shit. Dont forget the crew on the mailing list get the new tracks first!! Holidays have been bitchin for me but timmy trash and the dog have been locked away in the jungle den studio smashing new tunes out! Until we get these new tracks recorded the only way you will able to hear em will be at show's, which we have a whole bunch coming up. Check our facebook for exact show details. O.K. I think we are up to date, good luck to everyone in QLD we hope everything is up and running as soon as possible!

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